Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Brief 4-to-5 Minute Teaching Lesson

Why? and What is the Purpose? in My Life SERIES

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For those of you who know me, you know it is my heart’s desire to serve God and Others. My name is Ryan, and I am not only a bi-vocational Pastor, but much more significant, a Child of God. It is no accident that our paths have crossed today . . . for . . . Direction truly flows through relationships, and it is through relationships that God directs people.

With that being said, the next few words that I share with you I share as though one sharing his last words:

There is a God and He loves you, but without active faith in Him and His Son Jesus, the Messiah, one has surrendered their life as a child of Satan, with the mission to Kill, Steal, and Destroy God’s plans and purposes. The fact of the matter is that man cannot serve two masters, God and the World, one must serve the one and hate the other. The truth of the matter is that even the Demons and Satan believe in God and His Son Jesus, and they Shutter because they know they have been defeated and will in the end spend their eternal state in Hell, and therefore, it is their sole purpose to take as many as they can with them by making men believe there is no God, or that they can be made right before God by their good works.

It is only until we come to the understanding that even our right living is as filthy rags to God, because of the fact that we are born with a sin nature, only then can we experience the saving grace of our Savior, Jesus, the Messiah, dying on the Cross for all mans sins, once and for all, and rising on the third day to declare victory over death and the plans of Satan, God’s defeated foe.

The beauty of my message is that it is Good News, good news in a time of unprecedented economic crisis, good news in a time of religious persecution and silence, good news in a time of strife and confusion, good news in a time of conditional Peace and Joy. The Good News that I would like to offer you, where ever you might be in your life today, is that God loves you so much that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, who knew no sin, to die for all men's sins, once and for all, that if you would receive this free gift and believe in Him, you would be forgiven of all of your sins, made right before God, and too would experience victory over Death and Satan, and an eternity with God.

In addition, with this Good News of unconditional Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace, I want to take you to the next level through God’s discipleship making process demonstrated by God through His Son Jesus, over the course of the next several months in my “Why? and What is the Purpose? in My Life SERIES”. My prayer for you today is that if you have not committed your life to God, that you would do that today; if you have not been following God as he has intended for your life, to love Him and Others, then today recommit your life to Him; and finally, if you have been wondering through your spiritual life with no real direction, I would ask that you come check out my short teaching lessons on what God’s plans and purposes are for your life.

With that, thank you for your time, and I pray that the words that I have spoken and will speak into your life will be New Life to you.

In the meantime, Godspeed!

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1 comment:

PrayFat said...

Bivocation is a totally awesome calling. It's great to meet someone who looks like they're doing it well. Thanks for helping me and my son with the suits.