Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Lesson 46.3: Looking At The Future - Part 4 of 4

Brief 4-to-5 Minute Teaching Lesson

Why? and What is the Purpose? in My Life SERIES

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>The continuation of lesson 46 of the Discipleship Making process.

In summary of part three of this lesson, the conclusion of the Olivet Discourse (on the Mount of Olives, in the Garden of Gethsemane), we found Jesus answering Peter, James, John, and Andrew’s final two questions of their three end of time events questions: “What will be the sign of your coming?”, and “What will be the sign of the end of the age?”. We learned from Jesus, in answer to these questions, that this time would be evident with the Son of Man (“Jesus” – The Messiah) coming on the clouds of the sky (Matthew 24:29-31, Mark 13:24-27, Luke 21:25-28), in concert with a great trumpet being blown for a call of salvation/redemption (the Feast of Trumpets – late September/October), where by the Son of Man will send His angels to gather His elect. Jesus’ then challenges His disciples to be alert and on guard for this day through historical prophetic picture and Parables.

It is here, at the conclusion of this lesson, that we will look at the Apostle Paul’s commentary on these same events, while at the end of the lesson we will be comparing the sequence of end time events through the words of Jesus, Paul, and the book of Revelation.

Writings Of The Apostle Paul

The Day of the Lord: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-10
  • The Day of the Lord: is 1000 years long (2 Peter 3:8). It is the seventh 1000-year day from creation. It is the Sabbath, a rest for the people of God because the Kingdom of God will be established in the earth, which begins with the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to rule and reign and ends prior to the release of Satan to deceive the nations again. It is the 8th day, corresponding to the 8th day of the Feast of Tabernacles (October) that Heaven and earth pass away, the great white throne judgment takes place and God creates a new heaven and earth. The Day of the Lord is the primary subject of the Book of Revelation, as the Apostle John was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day. He is describing events that occur throughout the day: warnings, judgments, resurrection of the dead (Hosea 6:2), binding of Satan, marriage supper of the lamb, and the reign of Christ on earth. Jesus will fulfill the final three Feasts (appointed times) of the Lord: Day of Trumpets/Blowing (the shofar), The Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles.
  • let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober . . . For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ: There is only one day a year which God requires His people to fast and afflict their souls. That is the Day of Atonement (September/October), a Sabbath day. The day starts at about 6 pm when God’s people gather together. Many stay awake throughout the night because they are to be alert. Studying the Scriptures, singing praises to God and prayer are the focus.
The Coming Of The Lord: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2

The Apostasy: 2 Thessalonians 2:3
  • it: is referencing the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • the apostasy: “falling away” (from the faith).
  • the man of lawlessness is revealed: “The Antichrist” is revealed.
  • All of which will happen before the Lord Jesus Christ’s return and our gathering with Him.
The Abomination Of Desolation: 2 Thessalonians 2:4
  • takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God: this event comes before the Lord Jesus Christ returns and we are gathered together with Him.
The Mystery Of Lawlessness: 2 Thessalonians 2:5-12

Rapture: 1 Corinthians 15:51-53
  • we shall not all sleep: Not all die in Christ; “we shall all be changed”: “Rapture” – (John 11:24-26).
  • the Last Trumpet: The “last” or “great trump” is known by the note it sounds: a “Tekiah Gedola”. The note begins at the end of the Day of Trumpets/Blowing (September/October) and is completed during the “closing of the gate” ceremony at the end of the Day of Atonement (September/October). This trump is blown for an extended amount of time insuring that anyone desiring to repent of his sins will be given opportunity to do so. It was also on the Day of Atonement every fifty years that the High Priest would shout out in proclamation that it was the year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25:9).
The Dead In Christ: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
  • those who are asleep: Dead in Christ.
  • those who have fallen asleep: Died.
The point of the lesson is to keep alert, aware, and expectant of Jesus’ future return.

With that, allow me to leave you with these two questions to consider, along with a little homework assignment until my next posting:
  • Have you ever been misled by someone before?
  • What could you have done to prevent being misled?
. . . and the homework assignment . . .

Comparing the Sequence of End Time Events through the Words of Jesus, Paul, and the book of Revelation:
  • Apostolic witness: Jesus
  • Temple torn down: Jesus
  • Birth pangs: Jesus – Paul – Revelation
  • Apostasy: Jesus – Paul
  • Abomination of Desolation: Jesus – Paul – Revelation
  • Great tribulation/Time of false messiahs: Jesus – Paul – Revelation
  • Signs in the heavens: Jesus – Paul – Revelation
  • Wrath of God: Jesus – Paul – Revelation
  • Coming of Jesus/Gathering together with Him: Jesus – Paul – Revelation
  • Millennial reign of Christ: Revelation
  • Heaven and earth pass away/Great white throne judgment: Jesus – Revelation
  • End of the age/New heaven and earth: Revelation
Until next time . . . Godspeed!

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